Transatlantic Forum on Russia – 6th edition
Si è tenuta lo scorso 26 gennaio dalle ore 14:45 su Zoom la sesta edizione del Transatlantic Forum on Russia, l’evento annuale del Centro Studi Americani sullo stato dell’arte e le prospettive future delle relazioni tra Stati Uniti, Russia ed Europa. L’evento è organizzato grazie al contributo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale e in collaborazione con Aspen Institute Italia, European Council on Foreign Relations, con il supporto dell’Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti d’America in Italia.
Leggi gli Atti del convegno
I lavori di questa edizione erano divisi nei seguenti panel:
Welcoming Remarks
Gianni De Gennaro, President, Centro Studi Americani
Thomas D. Smitham, Chargé d’Affaires at the US Embassy to Italy
Pasquale Terracciano, Director General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Giulio Tremonti, President, Aspen Institute Italia
1. Transatlantic relations, Russia and the future of European Security: assessing the current crisis and the way ahead
Lucio Caracciolo, Director, Limes
Charles A. Kupchan, Associate Professor, Georgetown University; Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations
Lucio Demichele, Head of Policy planning, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Dmitri Trenin, Director, Carnegie Moscow Center, Russia, Chair of the Foreign and Security Policy Program
Giampiero Massolo, President Fincantieri
Chair: Marta DassĂą, Editor-in-Chief of Aspenia, Senior Director Europe, The Aspen Institute and Vice President CAS
2. The Greater Mediterranean, Libya and the Sahel
Andrey Kortunov, General Director, Russian International Affairs Council
Andrew Lebovich, Policy Fellow, ECFR
Francesco Strazzari, professor in International Relations at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa; Adjunct Professor at SAIS Europe JHU
Alberto Negri, Journalist, special correspondent for “Il Sole 24 Ore”
Emmanuel Dupuy, President, Institut Prospective et Sécurité en Europe
Chair: Valeria Talbot, Senior Research Fellow and Co-Head of ISPI’s Middle East and North Africa Centre
3. The geopolitics of green transition and the China issue. The Arctic Dossier: conflict or cooperation?
Joanna Hosa, Former Deputy Director of the Wider Europe Programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations
Ernesto Ciorra, Head of Enel Group’s Innovability Function (Innovation and Sustainability)
Fu Jun, Academic Dean and Professor, Institute of South – South Cooperation and Development, Peking University
Chair: Franco Frattini, President, SIOI
Closing Remarks
Benedetto Della Vedova, Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
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