Oktoberfest`s events 2019

27 February 2019

The record-setting 2018 Oktoberfest was the Oktoberfest to end all Oktoberfests. But, lucky for us, it didn’t! Woop woop! Raise the roof your glass! Oktoberfest 2019 will go on as planned and it’s up to us to make this year even more epic than the last.

And how will we do that, you ask? By attending parades and concerts and contests (always shoot your crossbows responsibly, folks). By riding rides and watching guys with whips and trying new foods we can’t pronounce (just trust us on the dampfnudel). And by consuming more than 2018’s record 7.5 million litres of beer. It can be done! The time is now to plan your strategy—start here with the Oktoberfest 2019 schedule of (really awesome) events.

Oktoberfest 2019 Schedule of Events

Saturday, September 21st

9 a.m. | Oktoberfest begins! More or less! Beer won’t be served until noon so that gives you three hours to get your rear in gear. I hope you wore your running shoes and your… athlederhosen? Sure, that works.

11 a.m. | The Oktoberfest opening day parade works its way from the Marienplatz to the Theresienwiese. Tent owners, landlords, event hosts and their families (i.e. your new best friends), and the local breweries arrive to the Oktoberfest grounds on horse-drawn beer carriages. The lavish parade of about 1,000 participants is lead by the Münchner Kindl, Munich’s beautiful female monk mascot, because why not? To follow the parade, check out this map (red line).

Noon | O’zapft is! – That’s German for “Yay we can drink now!” In the Schottenhamel tent, the Lord Mayor of Munich has tapped the first Oktoberfest keg of 2019 – the most important item on the Oktoberfest 2019 schedule of events, no? It’s not until this happens that beer can be served everywhere else at Oktoberfest. Danke, Lord Mayor. Danke very much.

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