The coexistence forum: a discussion about how humans and large carnivores can persist together in modern landscapes

Si terrà al Centro Studi Americani il prossimo 9 novembre alle 10:00 l’evento dal titolo “The coexistence forum: a discussion about how humans and large carnivores can persist together in modern landscapes”.

L’iniziativa è organizzata in collaborazione con Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti in Italia, Comando unità forestali, ambientali e agroalimentari dei Carabinieri, Rewilding Appennines, e Penn State.

Jack Markell – Ambassador to the Republic of Italy and San Marino
Roberto Sgalla – Director of the Center for American Studies
Andrea Rispoli – Gen.C.A., Commander of the Carabinieri’s Forestry, Environmental and Agri-food Unit – CUFA

Paolo Ciucci – Associate Professor at the “Charles Darwin” Department of Biology and Biotechnology, “La Sapienza” University of Rome
·The issues surrounding the coexistence between humans and large carnivores in Italy.
Stewart Breck – PhD. Carnivore Ecologist – U.S. Department of Agriculture–National Wildlife Research Center
·The issues surrounding the coexistence between humans and large carnivores in USA.

Giancarlo Papitto – Col. Head of Projects Office, Commander of the Carabinieri’s Forestry, Environmental and Agri-food Unit
·The illegal use of poison to kill wildlife and the Carabinieri K9 anti-poison team.
Dara Brodey – Rewilding Apennines Volunteer Coordinator
·The bear-smart community approach: from British Colombia to the central Apennines – the key role of local communities
Ovidiu Ionescu – PhD, Researcher, Institute for Research and Development in Forestry (INCDS)
·The coexistence with large carnivores in Romanian Carpathian
Valeria Salvatori – PhD. Carnivore Ecologist – Istituto di Ecologia Applicata, Rome.
·Project LIFE WILD WOLF: concrete actions for maintaining wolves wild in anthropogenic landscapes of Europe.
Cameron Krebs – U.S. Rancher, American Wool
·How to manage coexistence in the middle of Oregon largest concentration of wolves.
Giuseppe Vignale – Vice President for L’Aquila/Teramo, Confederazione italiana agricoltori
·The future of farming in a re-wilding landscape.
Francesco Paltoni – Coldiretti Young Enterprise, Provincial delegate of Rome.
·How young farmers live the coexistence in a balance between the environment and the enterprise.


01:00 pm – CONCLUSIONS
Paolo Ciucci and Stewart Breck

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